Day 8 of Terri’s Court Mandated Death by Starvation and Dehydration


On March 18, 2005, Judge George W. Greer’s order to have Terri Schiavo's feeding tube removed was enforced, essentially sentencing Terri to a slow death by starvation and dehydration. It took nearly two-weeks. The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network marks the final, horrific days of Terri Schiavo's inhumane death. Not only to remember Terri, but also to keep in mind the countless people who, as we speak, are suffering slow, agonizing deaths in hospices, nursing homes, and hospitals in America and around the world.

Schiavo Parents Back in Federal Court

Published: 03/25/2005

(CNN) -- Hours after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected pleas to intervene in the case of Terri Schiavo on Thursday, her parents again asked a federal judge in Florida to order the brain-damaged woman's feeding tube restored. A hearing before U.S. District Judge James Whittemore in Tampa ended after nearly four hours Thursday night with no decision announced.

Earlier this week, Whittemore turned down a request for an injunction to keep Schiavo alive. Anti-abortion-rights activist Randall Terry, who is acting as a spokesman for Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, said the new motion raises "evidentiary issues that were ignored in the first crack at federal court." CONTINUE