Media Indifferent to Euthanasia Victimized Families


(NRO) – Imagine you are at work, going about your day. The phone rings. You pick up and it is a mortuary informing you they have your mother’s body.

“What do you mean you have my mother’s body!” you exclaim in utter shock. “She was just euthanized today,” they mildly answer. “What should we do with the body?”

That is exactly what happened in 2012 to Belgian chemist Tom Mortier, who spoke (via Skype) yesterday at the very well-attended East Coast Conference Against Assisted Suicide. A self-described secular humanist, he described his agony at the euthanasia killing of his depressed mother, Godelieva De Troyer, by an oncologist. His continuing pain was vivid in every word he spoke. CONTINUE