Marking the Anniversary of Terri Schiavo's Court-Ordered Death by Starvation
The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network marks the final, horrific days of Terri Schiavo's inhumane death. Not only to remember Terri, but also to keep in mind the countless people who, as we speak, are suffering slow, agonizing deaths in hospices, nursing homes, and hospitals in America and around the world.
Published: 03/18/2005 at 3:00 PM
Doctors removed Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube carrying out her estranged husband’s requested court order allowing the brain-damaged woman to starve to death over the objections of her parents.
Barring an intervention, Terri Schiavo is expected to live another week to 10 days.
Reports conflict over whether Michael Schiavo was present when the tube was removed. A spokesman for Michael Schiavo told BayNews9 TV in Tampa, Fla., Michael Schiavo was in attendance, that a prayer service was held first and then Michael called him after doctors completed their work.
“He was hard to understand,” said John Centonze, the brother of Michael Schiavo’s live-in fiance Jodi Centonze, with whom Schiavo has two children.
“He was pretty emotional, upset and crying about it,” said John Centonze. “You know, he still loves her. That was the love of his life.”
However, Michael Schiavo’s attorney, right-to-die advocate George Felos, told reporters at a news conference televised by WFTS-TV that a “representative of Michael Schiavo” was present in his stead.
Michael Schiavo, who has been living with Jodi Centonze for 10 years, has said he will marry her after his wife’s death.
The tube removal came after a Florida judge blocked an eleventh-hour end-run waged by members of House and Senate panels, ruling the device can be removed immediately.
Early this morning, the House Government Reform Committee decided to launch an investigation into the case and issued subpoenas that order doctors and the administrator at the hospice facility in Pinellas Park, Fla., where the severely brain-damaged woman resides not to remove her feeding tube and keep her alive until the investigation is complete.
At the same time, the Senate Health Committee also requested Terri and Michael Schiavo appear at an official committee hearing on March 28.
As a result, minutes before the 1 p.m. EST deadline for the tube removal passed Pinellas Circuit Court Judge David Demers ordered the feeding tube remain in place while presiding Judge George Greer addresses the matter of the congressional subpoenas in a court hearing.
But an hour later, Greer disregarded the subpoenas and again ordered the feeding tube pulled.
“I have heard no cogent reason why the committee should be able to intervene,” Greer told attorneys in a conference call, according to WFTS-TV. “I don’t think legislative agencies or bodies have business in the court’s proceedings.”
House committee members have appealed Greer’s ruling to an appellate court in Florida.
The House subpoenas were issued to Terri Schiavo, her husband, two of her attending physicians, and the hospice administrator. They directed the recipients to appear at the hospice facility to give testimony to House committee members on March 25 at 10 a.m. EST.
“No things including those things reflecting data, information, or records called for by this request shall be destroyed, modified, transferred, disconnected, discontinued, or otherwise made inaccessible to the Committee,” the subpoenas read, according to Fox News, which means the feeding tube must stay in place for another week.
Ignoring the subpoenas would amount to being in contempt of Congress and would incur penalties of fines and/or imprisonment. It is unclear, however, if such penalties would hold in the face of a conflicting court order.
“This inquiry should give hope to Terri, her parents and friends and the millions of people throughout the world who are praying for her safety,” House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader Tom DeLay and Government Reform chairman Tom Davis said in a joint statement announcing the investigation this morning. “This fight is not over.”
“Terri Schiavo is alive. She’s not just barely alive. She’s not being kept alive. She is as alive as you and I. And as such, we have a moral obligation to protect and defend her from the fate premeditated by the Florida courts,” Delay told reporters in a press conference this afternoon. “Terri Schiavo will not be foresaken.”
News of the congressional intervention was hailed by some three dozen protesters gathered outside Woodside Hospice for a prayer vigil in support of Terri and her family.
“Bob and Mary Schindler have been praying for a miracle to save their daughter. We believe right now the miracle may come from … these actions taken by the United States Congress,” said David Gibbs, the attorney representing Terri’s parents. “We believe Terri’s is a life worth living.”
Gibbs said he also asked a federal judge in Tampa to block the removal and review the actions of state courts.
Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Florida office, told the Associated Press his group’s attorneys were working with Michael Schiavo’s attorneys to assess the effect of the subpoenas.
“This is clearly an effort to circumvent a lawful court order by a state judge,” Simon said, according to the AP. “I am not sure how a subpoena, which is ordinarily done to produce records or somebody to testify, can essentially have the effect of an injunction overriding the orders of a court.”
Felos called the congressional subpoenas “odious,” “disgusting,” and “nothing short of thuggery.”
At the press conference he blasted members of the House and Senate committees for their “shocking” intervention: “Be ashamed. Wear your shame for what you did and atone for it. Because to trample on her rights as you did was shameful.”
“To think that your parent or loved one could be in a nursing home … and a congressman can issue a subpoena forcing you to have your loved one treated against your will is absolutely shocking and just the lowest form of political strong-arming,” Felos added.
The efforts by the House and Senate panels come as lawmakers in both Washington and Tallahassee failed in their attempts to pass legislation to block Michael Schiavo from having the tube pulled over the objections of her parents.
WorldNetDaily reported yesterday, Florida’s state House passed a bill 78-37 that would block withholding of food and water from patients in a persistent vegetative state who didn’t leave a written directive.
Terri Schiavo has no written directive.
A similar measure in the Senate was rejected, however, 21-16.
Also yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would delay removal of Schiavo’s feeding tube by moving such a case to federal court. Senate Democrats blocked the legislation, but Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said he would try to pass a separate bill. Lawmakers have postponed their Easter break in order to work on the legislation.
“If you’re going to put somebody to death, or have them starved to death, I would think that you would want a complete neurological exam in reaching that conclusion,” Frist said on the Senate floor. “In fact — this is what I’m told — that she hasn’t had an MRI or PET scan which suggests she has not had a full neurological exam.”
Michael Schiavo won a court order in 2000 to have his wife’s feeding tube removed, claiming she was in a “persistent vegetative state” and had declared orally she wouldn’t want to live in such a condition.
The Schindlers, however, insist their daughter, while severely handicapped, is responsive and demonstrates a strong will to live. Their opinion is buttressed by nearly a dozen sworn affidavits signed by physicians disputing Terri remains in PVS.
Terri Schiavo is not hooked up to any machines, but she requires the small feeding tube for nourishment and hydration.
When her feeding tube was removed in 2003 for the second time, Terri Schiavo endured six days before “Terri’s Law” enabled Gov. Jeb Bush to intervene.
“Terri’s Law” was later ruled unconstitutional by the Florida Supreme Court, which said it violated the legal separation between the three branches of government.
Minnesota Hospitals Launch "Nation's Largest" Concussion/TBI Study
(StarTribune) – Hennepin County Medical Center and the University of Minnesota are launching what’s billed as the nation’s largest study of concussions and traumatic brain injuries, combining discoveries in brain imaging, blood analysis and eye tests to find a more accurate way to detect the injuries’ severity and long-term ramifications.
The two Minnesota institutions are joining with Chicago-based Abbott, a pharmaceutical and device manufacturer, which has studied whether "biomarkers" in blood show up after people suffer head injuries. CONTINUE
Mass-Shooting Victim Transferred to Rehabilitation
Last month, the Life & Hope Network published a story regarding Abigail Kopf, the young girl who was a victim of a mass shooting in Michigan and as a result, experienced a severe brain injury.
Initially, reports circulated that Abigail’s doctors diagnosed her as “brain dead”. Although later doctors denied this, what wasn’t denied was that the organ procurement organizations were contacted. Nonetheless, if not for her loving parents advocating for Abigale, she mostly likely wouldn’t be improving to the point where she is now going to receive rehabilitation for her brain injury.
Mass-Shooting Victim Transferred to Rehabilitation
(WKZO-AM) -- Doctors say 14-year-old Abigail Kopf has been released from Bronson Children's Hospital in Kalamazoo and has been transferred to a rehabilitation facility in Grand Rapids where she will continue her recovery. She spent 17 days at Bronson and could be in rehab for up to six months to learn how to walk and talk again. "The pace of her progress is exceptional," Dr. Aaron Lane-Davies said. "It will be a long journey ahead, but she is regaining her functions more quickly than expected for someone with an extensive brain injury." CONTINUE
Teen Makes Full Recovery After Experiencing Traumatic Brain Injury
( — A teen has made a dramatic recovery after suffering a traumatic brain injury in a crash with a fire truck in Malibu. Olivia Menke is currently working two jobs in order to pay for college, just 9 months after a crash that had left her in an induced coma at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.
"I don’t remember about 30 minutes before the crash and I remember about two days after waking up from the coma," she said. After 12 days in a coma, when the varsity athlete and student body president woke up, she needed to relearn how to walk, talk, eat, and speak. CONTINUE
Arizona Woman Removed from Life Support Lives to Tell Story
(Breitbart) – Doctors told an Arizona woman’s family to take her off life support; she woke from her coma, to the surprise of everyone around her. "Everything can be taken away. You can wake up one day and everything is fine, and then your life is a mess," said Steven Pellettiere-Swapp. "Keep your family close and don’t let them go."
Last month, Steven found his mother Lyndee Pellettiere-Swapp unconscious. She remained in a coma for 12 days. The doctors told the family they could not do anything more for Lyndee. They recommended taking her off life support. CONTINUE
Canada Judge Condemns ALS Patient to Death
(NRO) – Canada is implacably against the death penalty. Yet it will soon embrace a regime of wild, wide-open euthanasia imposed on the nation by its Supreme Court. Killing murderers bad, killing the sick, disabled, mentally ill, and depressed, who have not been given suicide prevention, good.
In the interim before the new regime goes national, the Supreme Court allows judges to issue execution orders allowing assisted suicide. The first of these has happened, to an ALS patient–validating her belief that her life is not worth living, rather than seeking means to help her find joy again in being alive. CONTINUE
Doctors Issued a DNR for Newborn Without Telling Parents. A Bill Now Bears His Name
( – Simon Crosier lived for 88.5 days. He was born with a birth defect — Full Trisomy 18 — that ultimately proves fatal for those who carry it, but some children can live for a year or more with it, and Simon's parents say his doctors never gave him the chance.
He was adored by his family, but he died. Now his mother Sheryl Crosier travels the country advocating to protect families from physicians who might issue a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order for a child, without ever telling the parents. Sheryl believes Simon’s doctor issued a DNR order on his hospital chart, administered drugs known to hinder breathing, and starved him to death, without his parent’s knowledge or consent. CONTINUE
Brittany Maynard’s Widower Lobbies New York Pols to Legalize Euthanasia
(LifeSiteNews) – The widower of a woman used during her terminal illness to advance the euthanasia movement's cause has picked up the "right to die" mantle in the wake of his wife's death, focusing current efforts on New York State.
The late Brittany Maynard's husband, Dan Diaz, lobbied last Thursday before New York lawmakers considering a bill to allow terminally ill individuals to request euthanasia drugs from a doctor, according to a report from ABC News, invoking Maynard to push the legislation. CONTINUE
Groningen U Slogan Should Be “We Kill Babies”
(NRO) – Doctors at the Groningen University Medical Center commit infanticide. If a baby is born with serious disabilities–and the death doctors conclude they will have an "unlivable life" – the baby’s fate is often to be on the receiving end of a lethal injection.
Doctors there even created a how-to-decide-which-babies-to-kill bureaucratic checklist known as the Groningen Protocol That is why I had to chuckle (bitterly) when a reader sent me a story about how the university’s official slogan has been voted worst in Netherlands. CONTINUE
End of Life Options Bill Pulled Before Colorado House Debate
(Denver Post) – Colorado’s physician-assisted suicide bill, the proposed End of Life Options Act, faced long odds a long time before Wednesday morning, but it was a rare move for House Democrats to move it off the calendar before any floor debate.
Democrats didn’t have the votes to pass it, so the bill’s sponsors chose not to put fellow legislators torn over the issue — with their own consciences, as well as their November voters — in a position to have to take a position. The sponsors of House Bill 1054, Reps. Joann Ginal and Lois Court, admonished lawmakers. CONTINUE
Longer, Intense Rehabilitation Boosts Recovery After Brain Injury
(UC San Diego Health) – Cognitive and functional recovery after a stroke or traumatic injury requires intense rehabilitative therapy to help the brain repair and restructure itself. New findings by researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine report that not only is rehabilitation vital – in an animal model, rats with cortical injury that did not receive intensive rehab did not rebuild brain structure or recover function – but that a longer, even more intense period of rehabilitation may produce even greater benefit.
"This has implications for medical practice and medical insurance," said senior study author Mark Tuszynski, MD, PhD, professor in the Department of Neurosciences and director of the Center for Neural Repair at UC San Diego School of Medicine, and a neurologist with the VA San Diego Healthcare System. "Typically, insurance supports brief periods of rehab to teach people to get good enough to go home. These findings suggest that if insurance would pay for longer and more intensive rehab, patients might actually recover more function." CONTINUE
Is Death Reversible? Is it the Right Time to Find Out?
(Singularity) – Death is defined as the termination of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. Brain death, the complete and irreversible loss of brain function (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life) as defined in the 1968 report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School, is the legal definition of human death in most countries around the world.
Either directly through trauma, or indirectly through secondary disease indications, brain death is the final pathological state that over 60 million people globally transfer through each year. We are repeatedly told through the medical establishment (as well as through popular culture, in recent public cases such as those surrounding Jahi McMath and Bobbi Kristina Brown) that brain death is “irreversible” and should be considered the end of the line. Or is it? CONTINUE
Shooting Victim, 14, Squeezes Mother's Hand After Being Declared Brain Dead
(People) – A 14-year-old girl who was shot in the head allegedly by a Michigan Uber driver and declared brain dead is clinging to life in the hospital – squeezing her mother's hand just as surgeons were preparing to harvest her organs, authorities tell PEOPLE.
The teen, whose name was not released, was one of eight people allegedly shot by 45-year-old Jason Brian Dalton on Saturday as he drove Uber passengers around Kalamazoo, Michigan, according to the Michigan State Police. Six of the victims died. CONTINUE
False Media Religious Narrative Strikes Again
(NRO) – The media often report “culture war” public controversies as fights over religion rather than rational debates over what is proper public policy. A few examples include the ongoing struggle over legalizing assisted suicide, the embryonic stem cell and human cloning debates, and the Terri Schiavo case.
Now, in the Daily Beast, columnist Ann Neumann does it again column in a piece about ongoing controversy over Jahi McMath, declared brain dead more than two years ago in California. For example, in recounting the Terri Schiavo controversy, Neumann writes that Terri’s family “considered her severely disabled” because they are “devout Catholics.” CONTINUE
Mother of Boy Left Severely Brain Damaged by 'Affluenza' Teen Speaks of Their Struggle
(Daily Mail) – The mother of a boy left paralyzed and severely brain damaged by 'affluenza' teen Ethan Couch has spoken out about the 'hell' her family endured. Sergio Molina, now 18, was in the bed of Couch's truck when the wealthy teenager drunkenly careered into a group of people at the side of a road, killing four.
In a matter of moments, Sergio went from being a talented soccer player with his life ahead of him to being wheelchair-bound, paralyzed from the neck down and only able to communicate by blinking. CONTINUE
Tim Tebow Hosts “Night to Shine” Valentine Proms for Thousands of Disabled Kids
( – Almost every week, it seems LifeNews discovers another story about parents aborting their unborn child because of a disability or abortion activists targeting unborn babies who have physical defects. These stories are disheartening, frightening even.
But then there also are many stories of hope – families who choose life because they refuse to see their unborn child as less of a person, and celebrities who use their fame to celebrate other people’s lives rather than their own. Football star Tim Tebow is one of them. CONTINUE
Study: Over 50% of Assisted Suicide Patients Could Have Been Treated
(LifeSiteNews) – A new study brings to light abuses associated with the practice of euthanasia for the mentally disabled. Analyzing euthanasia in the Netherlands, the study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry, found that in more than half of physician-assisted suicide cases, patients declined treatment that could have helped them.
This flies in the face of euthanasia activists' claims that physician-assisted suicide for the mentally ill is committed only on people with untreatable mental illnesses. In many cases in the study, patients cited "loneliness" as their primary reason for requesting to be killed. CONTINUE
Story of Survival: Documentary Recounts Man’s Recovery from Brain Injury
(Hull Daily Mail) - Paul Spence, 35, suffered a catastrophic brain injury after he was punched in a Hull pub on Easter Sunday in 2012. He spent months in hospital and was told he would never make a full recovery. However, Mr Spence has rebuilt his life and set up a charity dedicated to helping those with brain injuries. Now, a documentary about his progress, entitled Running To Recovery, will be shown on the big screen.
"I have thankfully come a long way since my injury, but it's a long, hard road to walk, and I just hope this film proves an inspiration to all others who are facing any kind of struggle in life, not just brain injuries," he said. "You can rebuild your life, you just need to be patient, you need to stay positive, and you need support, as do all of the people around you, and this documentary shows that. CONTINUE
Oh Boy! It’s Euthanasia Week!
(Wesley J. Smith) – Euthanasia hardly seems a subject for celebrating–even if one supports its legalization. But the death obsessers at the Netherlands Voluntary Euthanasia Society are so excited at the 15th anniversary of formal legalization in that country (which has actually had wide-open euthanasia for more than forty years). Yes, it is “Euthanasia Week”! The celebratory activities will include films, lectures, and other fascinating presentations: From the Website (Google translation):
"The reputation of the Euthanasia Week is increasing every year. More and more organizations and media this theme week to express their views on euthanasia. So NPO 2 transmits on Monday, February 15th at 20.25 a documentary about the work of the End of Life Clinic. After this documentary follows a discussion on the topic." CONTINUE
Canada’s Death Courts
(NRO) – Until Canada’s radical Supreme Court ruling imposing a positive right to euthanasia on the entire country goes into effect, suicidal ill and disabled people can apply to a court for a license to be killed. Death courts.
From the Practice Advisory published by the Ontario court: Commencement of Application: "An application to the Superior Court of Justice for authorization for a physician assisted death shall be commenced by notice of application under Rule 14 of the Rules of Civil Procedure and be in accordance with this Practice Advisory." CONTINUE
Remarkable Recovery from Horrific Snowmobile Wreck
(Winnipeg Free Press) – One year after a horrific snowmobile accident that left him with a serious brain injury, Rob Hollohan has surpassed everyone’s expectations of recovery. On Jan. 6, 2015, Rob was sledding on his property in Brookdale when the ski of his machine caught a hidden barbed wire fence and launched him into the air.
The 43-year-old landed on his head in a nearby field where his wife, Vickie, found him. Rob was rushed to the Neepawa Health Centre, where he was put on life support and induced in a coma before being airlifted to the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg to undergo emergency surgery. CONTINUE
Euthanasia Archives Destroyed?
(NRO) – Historian Ian Dowbiggin wrote a splendid history of the euthanasia movement back in 2003. It was thorough, detailed, and objective. The movement cooperated with Dowbiggin by making its archives available for his use. But now, they may have been destroyed.
From, A Scandal in the Euthanasia Archives: "Imagine for a moment that reporters broke the news that the Vatican had destroyed the bulk of its archival records." CONTINUE
Hillary Clinton Punts on Assisted Suicide
(NRO) - Hillary Clinton has a shriveled moral core. When asked about one of the most important and radical social agendas the other night–the euphemistic, "death with dignity"– she wouldn’t take a position. From the Politico story:
At the town hall, Hillary Clinton fielded what she said was her first campaign question about physician-assisted suicide. Clinton didn’t stake out a position on the controversial issue, but said it will come up more frequently as people live longer with serious illnesses. CONTINUE
Marine Corps Veteran Given 4 Months to Live; Assisted Suicide Wasn’t the Answer
( – I am a 30-something Marine Corps veteran who was given four months to live 20 months ago — diagnosed with glioblastoma brain cancer. I fought for treatment that was so difficult there were times when I questioned if the struggle was worth the pain.
My experience is similar to that of thousands of New Jersey residents who every year face terminal diagnoses. Often, I wonder if I would still be alive if I had the legal assisted suicide drugs at my bedside when I was fighting through those difficult days. CONTINUE
Euthanasia Virus Stronger Than Anger Over Abuse
(NRO) – Generally speaking, once assisted suicide or euthanasia is legalized, people give a fig about abuses. The media rarely cover such situations, and even when they do, people shrug. They either don’t care or don’t want to think about the wolf in their midst.
I have seen many such situations over the years, but this one out of Belgium takes the cake. Sisters of a euthanasia abuse victim–killed while depressed and having been diagnosed with autism–are very upset at the death of their beloved sibling. CONTINUE