Thanks so much for contributing to the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network's #GivingTuesday campaign. Your charitable tax receipt has been emailed to you for your records. Please consider sharing our #GivingTuesday campaign with your friends and family through email and on Facebook. We consider you a mission partner for your generosity.
In addition, I invite you to discern your ability to become a Sustaining Ally through a monthly contribution of any amount. #GivingTuesday gifts make a critical impact for our mission of service to those in crisis. Sustaining Allies, and the stability through regularity that their monthly gifts bring, help us focus less on administrative office work and more on life-saving mission work. If you feel called to support us in this way, please let me know.
Thanks again for your generous contribution, and know that we'll be recognizing each of you in a special way this Christmas season.
Bobby Schindler, President
Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network